By their very nature, it’s only possible to have a price list for some of the thousands of buildings which could be supplied to meet your needs.
However, to get a ‘ballpark’ figure, there’s a rough way of doing this: Decide on the design of the building you would like and go to that web page. The web page will have a link to the price list relating to that model. Either decide on the overall size of your summerhouse combo and write down the prices. Add about 15%, and you will be roughly there.
Here’s How To Work Out The Rough Price – Or Give Us A Call
You then need to add an internal partition, which costs about £25 per linear foot. So if the building was 12ft wide across the front, the partition would be 12ft, and the cost would be an extra £300. You would then need to add a door for access to the combi storage shed, which would cost about £100, depending on the type of door chosen.
The second way to get a rough price is to take the cost of the summerhouse and the price of the shed and add them together, and it would be there about. We are, of course, delighted to supply you with a firm quote to meet your needs. Call us on (01483) 237550 or (01252) 311085 or use our contact form or visit our display site.